Daylight |
Detta är alltså Irish Coffee, eller Ang05, från Angelica Nail Colour. Det är ju roligt att min syster också heter Angelica! Hon köpte 4 olika till sig själv, men jag fick bara detta. Eller bara, jag fick ju andra fina lack också. (Vill ni se lacken hon köpte till sig kan ni klicka här)
Lacket är brunt med silver skimmer. Det är fint och jag lovar er, även om det inte hade samma färg som Marabou så har det exakt samma färg som den varma chokladen från kaffemaskinerna på jobbet. Och samma färg som kinapuffar. Fast med skimmer.
Penseln var bra, även fast det kändes som om den var tjock av lack i toppen så var det inga som helst problem att få lacket dit man ville. Den var lätt att kontrollera.
Färger känns inte riktigt som en färg för mig dock, men jag ser fram emot att testa den i andra sammanhang, med nail art och mer spännande saker.
Detta är tre lager som hade tydligare penseldrag innan jag la på topplack.
Har ni sett, hört eller testat något från Angelica Nail Colour tidigare?
I was supposed to write this post earlier this week, but that didn't happen. Anyway, here it is. The letter I is represented by a polish that my sister got for me from Dublin. This is Irish Coffee by Angelica Nail Colour.
When my sister went to Dublin she promised me to get me some nail polish for my birthday. While she was there I decided to do this ABC-challenge and found out that I was missing a polish with the letter I, so I texted my sister and asked her to look for one. She found this, Irish Coffee, which she has sworn that it's called even though it only says Ang05 on the bottle. I have checked Angelica Nail Colour's website but they don't have any good information there. I've googled but I don't find that much swatches at all. So whatever.
This is Irish Coffee, or Ang05, by Angelica Nail Colour. Isn't it funny that my sisters name is Angelica! She bought four bottles for her self. (Check them out here)
The polish is brown with silver shimmer. It's pretty and I promise you, even though it's not the same color as the chocolate in the first picture, it's exactly the same color as the hot chocolate from the coffee machines at work. And exactly the same as kinapuffar. But with shimmer.
The brush was good, even though it felt like it was full with polish in the end of the brush it was easy to apply the polish where you want it. I was easy to controll.
The color doesn't really feel like a color for me, but I'm looking forward to try it in other manicures, with nail art and other exciting things.
This is three coats that had more brushstrokes before I applied the topcoat.
Have you seen, heard or tried anything by Angelica Nail Colour before?
Men människa! Du kan väl inte visa choklad när det är that time of the month? Helvete också, nu måste jag gå till affären... :)
SvaraRaderaLacket var väl sådär. Snyggare i flaskan.
Haha! Aw, stackare :)
RaderaJa, det var nog snyggare i flaskan.
Aldrig hört talas om märket men jag gillade färgen, otippat nog. Den var annorlunda.
SvaraRaderaDu hade fått min flaska om det inte var så att jag fått den av min syster.