You know what! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Yep, I said it! I love you! I've wanted to tell you like forever, but I thought that I might sound all crazy and such. I never thought that people actually would read my blog. Never in the world did I think that nailbloggers that I look up to would read and link to my blog.
I am really lucky for having so friendly readers, and that's why I like to thank you.
This week has been all about the nail blog community, and not this good side that I'm talking about, the bad side with internet bullying. And that, my friends, are not okay. That is never okay.
I've only heard about this major bullying-thing going on, so I don't know to much about it. I guess some girls started to bully a blogger 'cause she decided to post a lazy-day mani. I think we can compare that to walk to the local store in that big worn out tshirt that we all got. What is that to complain about? We all have done it, walked to the store with that gigantic tshirt. Bullying is one of the worst things ever. It can destroy someones life completely in seconds. People kills themselfs because of bullying!
The nail commutiy in Sweden is incredible. Everyone is very friendly, helpful and amazing. I've never seen or heard anything bad about someone, and I hope that I never will.
With all that said, I just want to say thank you again. Thank you for everything! You are the main reason that I'm blogging. Your comments and kind words support me so much. You don't even have to leave a comment! When I see that someone actually googled "colourizeme" or something like that, it makes me so happy I could die. When I see my sideviews everyday I get so excited and happy! Doesn't matter how many sideviews I've got, if I have one, only one little sideview, my mission is complete.
So, thank you, every single one of you. I love you all!
And remember, you are amazing and incredibly beautiful! <3
Bra skrivet. Ju fler som säger nej till mobbning, både på internet och irl, desto bättre. Kram!
SvaraRaderaTack så mycket! Det är verkligen viktigt att säga nej. Kram!
RaderaFint. <3 Kan bara hålla med om hur fina och snälla alla svenska läsare/nagelbloggare verkar vara. Har inte heller stött på någon elak kommentar och det värmer så. :) Kram till dig.
SvaraRaderaVi är helt enkelt bäst, vi svenska nagelbloggare/läsare! Kram :)
RaderaBra skrivet om ett viktigt ämne!
RaderaDen svenska skönhetsbloggsfären är så vitt jag kan bedöma rätt fantastisk och fylld med underbara människor. Jag blev lite förvånad när jag läste om den mobbning som tydligen förekommit på håll, sjukt att folk orkar bry sig om en sån struntpryl liksom... Fin text för övrigt<3
SvaraRaderaHelt underbara är allihopa. Jag förstår inte för fem öre varför man skulle vara så elak mot någon, någonsin!
RaderaVilket fint inlägg! Och visst är det skönt att vi slipper elakheter i vår svenska nagelbloggskrets. :-)
SvaraRaderaTack så mycket! Det är helt underbart!