Eftersom Angelica skriver på engelska så får jag väl också göra det. Hoppas ni orkar läsa ändå!
The rules for this nomination are:
Answer 5 given questions and nominate 5 other blogger with less than 100 followers. The nominees should also be told that they are nominated.The 5 questions to answer:
1. What/who encouraged you to start blogging?I used to blog on another blog, which I still update sometimes, but I didn't like the fact of a personal blog with random nail polish posts. 'Cause I was posting more and more nail polish. So I created this blog and started to move my nail polish post from the old blog to this one. And one day I was ready to become a real nail polish blogger. And here we are, one and a half year later. I love my blog and I still have the same design. I might change it soon though.
2. How did you chose what topic(s) to blog about?
Well, my old blog is more personal and more random stuff. Like music, lyrics, random texts, pictures and feelings. Nails didn't quite fit in there. I love nail polish, and I love to talk about it, and write about it.
3. What is something that most people don't know about you?
I have adhd. Some of you knew that though. I have a birthmark on my cheast that looks like a flower. I cannot drink water in the mornings. I hate it.
4. What three words describe your style?
Color, happy and crazy. I think.
5. What do you like to do when you are not blogging?
Paint my nails. Hah! I love to watch series for hours. I like to write, eat, read, paint, do random creative stuff, and you know, be all kinds of crazy.
The 5 nominees:
I have no idea who has less than 100 followers.
Let me know if you do!
Kul att du gjorde awarden och veta lite mer om dig! :D Och tack för de snälla orden i början. <3
SvaraRaderaRoligt och intressant att läsa lite mer personligt om dig. :-)
SvaraRaderaAlltid kul att läsa lite mer om personen bakom bloggen!