torsdag 30 oktober 2014

#31DC2014 | Day 27 - Inspired by artwork

Green is veganBlue is cruelty freePurple might or might not be cruelty freeRed is not cruelty freePlease visit my "Animal Cruelty" page for more information -

Hello there cuties! What are you doing today?
It's day 27 and the theme is inspired by artwork. I was inspired by one of my faaaavorite artists!

Only one nail today, but that's because I was so happy with it and I didn't want to ruin this whole post not that good nail art.
This is inspired by a self portrait by Jennie Lee, a dear friend of mine. She's amazing and I love all of her art, and I think she should know that she's really good.
You can find her on instagram, @bloodandurine.

I used China Glaze Liquid Leather and acrylic paint for this manicure.

Check out day 27 from last years challenge, click click!

måndag 27 oktober 2014

#31DC2014 | Day 26 - Inspired by a pattern

Green is veganBlue is cruelty freePurple might or might not be cruelty freeRed is not cruelty freePlease visit my "Animal Cruelty" page for more information -

Hi guys! Gotta keep it short today. I have a lot of stuff to do!
Today it's day 26 and the theme is inspired by a pattern. Take a look!

So my inspiration for this manicure was a piece of gift wrapping paper with a cute pink and green flower-ish pattern. I didn't use the exact same shades as the paper, 'cause I didn't want to copy the pattern right of. That's why I did two big flower-ish thingies on mt middle finger and my pointer.
For this manicure I used butter LONDON Trout Pout as a base and I used LVX Orchid for the other pink parts. The green parts is Holly-Day and Budding Romance, both from China Glaze.

Check out day 26 from last years challenge, click click!

måndag 20 oktober 2014

#31DC2014 | Day 25 - Inspired by fashion

Green is veganBlue is cruelty freePurple might or might not be cruelty freeRed is not cruelty freePlease visit my "Animal Cruelty" page for more information -

Hi guys! What's up? It's a new week, do you have any special plans?
It's day 25 in the 31 day challenge and the theme is inspired by fashion. Can you guess my inspiration for this manicure? (I'm pretty sure you can.)

If you guessed Hayley Williams you were totally right.
I've already told you how much I admire Hayley Williams, her style and the fact that she doesn't give a crap about what people think about it, so I'll just tell you about the manicure. Hope that's alright with you! Otherwise you can just use the search function and type in "Hayley Williams" and I'm sure you'll have plenty to read.

So, I used three base polishes fot this manicure. The black is Liquid Leather from China Glaze, the red is London from Mavala and the grey is from Nordic Cap. I'm still researching if Nordic Cap is cruelty free or not, but I do know that they're made in China, so keep that in mind.
Then I stamped a pattern using plate QA98 from Born Pretty Store and China Glaze Holly-Day. I used a striping brush and OPI Don't touch my tutu! to make the light parts. I used a striping brush and Liquid Leather to make the black parts on the grey nails.
Finally I put on some studs and top coat. On the thumb I also made a silver stripe between the red and the black parts.

Check out day 25 from last years challenge, click click!

torsdag 16 oktober 2014

#31DC2014 | Day 24 - Inspired by a book

Green is veganBlue is cruelty freePurple might or might not be cruelty freeRed is not cruelty freePlease visit my "Animal Cruelty" page for more information -

Hi ya'll! Whatchadoin'?
Today it's day 24 and the manicure is inspired by a book!

Today my inspiration was the book A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I read the book when I was about 13 years old and I loved it. I couldn't find any pictures but I remember that the cover of the book I read was pink, so I used that as an inspiration.
The story has some really stereotypical princess parts, which also inspired me, plus the sparkling stories and the imagination. I really like this book, and I will definitely read it once more.

For the manicure I used OPI Hey Baby, Smitten Polish This Is My Tiara (I just had to use it!), China Glaze Friends Forever, Right? and Cult Nails Angel Whispers. I also used some rhinestones and a nail sticker. (Thank you so much Andrea!)

Check out day 24 from last years challenge, click click!

tisdag 14 oktober 2014

#31DC2014 | Day 23 - Inspired by a movie

Green is veganBlue is cruelty freePurple might or might not be cruelty freeRed is not cruelty freePlease visit my "Animal Cruelty" page for more information -

Hey babes! How are you?
Today it's Tuesday and day 23 in the challenge, which means that today's theme is inspired by a movie. Take a look at my manicure!

Can you guess which movie I used as inspiration?
If you guessed Monsters vs. Aliens you guessed right! My inspiration for this manicure was the costume Susan is wearing. You can see it if you click here and here.

I used Pahlish Boundless As The Dark as a base for this manicure. It's a highly pigmented blue polish with shimmer flakes in blue and green. Then I used a striping brush and Depend 223 to paint the stripe pattern. I put on a little bit of clear polish the shapes that I wanted glitter and then I used a dotting tool to place the glitters. Then I finished with top coat!

I really like this manicure, what do you think?

Check out day 23 from last years challenge, click click!

söndag 12 oktober 2014

#31DC2014 | Day 22 - Inspired by a song (+ United in Green & Nail Art Sunday)

Green is veganBlue is cruelty freePurple might or might not be cruelty freeRed is not cruelty freePlease visit my "Animal Cruelty" page for more information -

Hi there! I took a little break, but now I'm back! My inspirational level went pretty low this week so I couldn't make any good manicures and all the pictures I captured were really bad.
Anyway! Today it's a special day, it's United In Green (hosted by Karin at Vacker & Underbar) which is a theme week to raise awareness about depression. You might not know this but October is not only pink, it's also green for depression.
Today is the last day of the week and Karin collaborated with Lela at Lelack for Nail Art Sunday, so they decided that the theme would be Love! 'Cause you know, love is amazing.
Not only is it Nail Art Sunday and United in Green, it's also day 22 and that means that I also need to be inspired by a song. Well that's a lot of things to include in one manicure, but I gave it a try and this is the result!

So, as I said, I had a lot of things to include in one manicure and that was reeeeaally hard. I decided to be inspired by a song that I love from a band that was introduced to me by someone I used to love. The song is The Greener Grass by Fair To Midland. It's amazing.
So I made grass on my nails. You know, the greener grass represents life without depression and the brown grass, the withered grass represents depression.
I really like this manicure!
I used China Glaze New Birth as a base. It's a beautiful really pale blue creme from the Giver collection. The green to brown polishes are the following: China Glaze Holly-Day, Smitten Polish Electric Lime, China Glaze OMG A UFO, NYC Backstage Brown and finally Smitten Polish Seasonal Lattes.

Remember to share some love and hopefully we might fight a little bit of depression at the same time. I love you all! Byyyyyeee!

Check out day 22 from last years challenge, click click!


*** Egen Wordpressinstallation

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

söndag 5 oktober 2014

#31DC2014 | Day 21 - Inspired by a color

Green is veganBlue is cruelty freePurple might or might not be cruelty freeRed is not cruelty freePlease visit my "Animal Cruelty" page for more information -

Whaaaat's uuuuup guuuuys? It's sunday, yayayayay! That means that it's a new week tomorrow, aweyeah!
It's day 21 in the 31 Day Challenge so this manicure is inspired by a color.

So the polish I was inspired by is WingDustCollections Breathing Under Water and it is simply amazing. It's a blue jelly with glitters in different blue hues and some brown glitters. The brown glitter gives the polish so much depth and makes it really unique. It's beautiful! I used 3 coats, 'cause it is a jelly and my nails are stained, so the polish looked a bit green in the undertone due to my yellow nails.

So when you breath under water you'll create air bubbles, right? Why not combine a bubble manicure and a pond manicure?!
I started with Ciaté Power Dressing. I applied two coats, 'cause I wasn't sure if I could use it for a pond manicure. It is quite opaque. Then I thinned out some white polish with acetone and made dots and then I used a q-tip or a small nail art brush (depending on the size of the dot) to soak up the wet polish in the middle of the dot. I did 1-3 dots at a time 'cause otherwise the dots dried too much and I couldn't soak up enough polish.
I applied another (thin) coat of Power Dressing and let it dry before I made a new layer of dots. I added a little glare-shine-highlight-thingie and finished with a top coat.

Check out day 21 from last years challenge, click click!